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Frequently Asked Questions

Get instant answers to your most common questions, and see how MusicTeacherNotes drastically helps music teachers, music students and parents of students get far more out of music lessons.

Search FAQs that apply to:

How do I add a new studio?

How can MusicTeacherNotes help music teachers get more students?

What are some effective music teaching strategies that MusicTeacherNotes uses to help music teachers teach students?

How can MusicTeacherNotes help parents motivate their kids to practice?

Does it cost money for music teachers to add multiple music studios?

What are Music Bucks?

How do Super Stickers work?

What is the Practice Plan Creator?

What are the best strategies to get a child to practice their music instrument?

Does MusicTeacherNotes cost money for parents?

Does MusicTeacherNotes cost money for music teachers?

Do students lose their music practice log if they stop lessons?

Do students have to pay for the service

Does the video player keep the pitch of the song when I adjust the tempo?

How do I save a link to my Private Library?

How do I add repertoire songs for my students?

How do I get my students to connect to my account and studio?

How do I schedule lessons for my students?

How do I add assignments for my students?

Can a music studio owner manage other teachers who work at that studio?

Can young students join MusicTeacherNotes?

Can a student have an account without a music teacher?

How can students learn music better with video?

What happens if a student stops taking lessons from a music teacher?

How can MusicTeacherNotes motivate children to practice music?

Do I need different accounts if I work at more than one music studio?

What Links can I save to my private Library?

What is the Public Library?

What is the fastest way to add students?

What is the difference between adding students and connecting students?

Can a student connect to my account if I don't add them first?

How are Music Bucks calculated?

Can I log practice for my child?

What does the music calendar show me?

How do I clip a video?

How can I use video to help improve my music lesson business?

How does MusicTeacherNotes help encourange students to practice more?

Can I add repertoire songs for students?

What are the ways I can view my schedule?

What is my Library?

How do I enter the instruments or types of music lessons I teach?

How do I add a studio I work for?

How do I add a student?

What is a Super Sticker?

What are Practice Stickers for music students?

What are Perfect Practice Awards for music students?

What if I don’t add assignments to a student’s online music journal?

What if some of my students/parents do not subscribe to MusicTeacherNotes?

How do I get my students to connect to my account?

How do I add skills that teachers assigned to practice?

What does it mean for an account to be connected to a teacher?

How do I add a family member?

How do I create a practice plan?

How do I add rewards that my child can buy with Music Bucks?

How do children spend their Music Bucks?

How do students log practice?

What motivates students to log their practice?

How do I split a video into multiple segments?

How do I change the speed or tempo of a video?

How do I make a video loop or repeat?

How do I see my student's music journal?

Can I access the website for free?

How do I get my students to connect to my teacher account?

Do teacher accounts cost money?

Does using Music Teacher Notes cause more work for me as a music teacher?

Why do parents and students pay for the service?

What if I do not feel comfortable asking parents to pay?

What if some parents refuse to pay?

What if my studio uses another system?

Do children have their own account?

How can MusicTeacherNotes help music students learn music faster?

Do kids need an email address?

Can parents and children be logged in via the same browser?

What are reminders for music teachers?

Do I need to add assignments for my students on MusicTeacherNotes?

What are the Practice Sticker games for music students?

How can I use video to help my students learn better?

What is my studio code?

How do I add students to my MusicTeacherNotes account?

What is my teacher dashboard, and how do I find it?

Why do I need to set my lesson start times and lesson durations on my dashboard?

How do I set unavailable time for music lessons?

What happens on the Availability Calendar if I block myself off as unavailable?

How do I add my Availability Calendar to my website?

What is an availability calendar?

What is a practice plan?

Can adult students use MusicTeacherNotes?

How come MusicTeacherNotes is free for music teachers?

What is the difference between setting availablity vs unavailability?

What if my child earns too many Music Bucks every week?

What is online video calling?

Can a music teacher instruct remotely?

Can I use video conferencing for my music lessons?

How do I upload a video?

Can Music Bucks be converted to real money?

How do I add notes to a music lesson

What are the most important tasks I need to do to set up my MusicTeacherNotes teacher account?

How do I set up my Music Teacher Directory listing?

How to add your Music Teacher Directory profile picture

What is your Music Teacher Directory Bio?

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Teacher/Studio FAQs

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We wanted to avoid a conflict-of-interest. Each student in the system adds cost because of SMS (text message) delivery, email delivery, and tech support, which we handle. If we were to charge per teacher, then we'd lose money if we helped teachers acquire more students. Not good.

The MusicTeacherNotes fee-structure is crucial to teacher-success because it incentivizes us to help teachers grow their student list. We want help teachers to obtain more students and be successful so they can spread their love-of-music to those who wanted to learn.

Because parents/students own their accounts, teachers do not get burdened with extra work maintaining a student list. The teachers provide a pamphlet to their students (printable from their MusicTeacherNotes account). The pamphlet explains how students are to join and connect. It also provides an explanation of the service to them, and it gives them our tech support information, so our staff can answer their questions and concerns.

The parent/student-paid fee structure enables a much better service. We readily admit that having each student pay for the service generates more revenue than having a teacher pay. However, this is extremely important to the overall service. To be strong enough to be a life-long service for music teachers and students requires revenue. The student-paid fee structure is what makes it all possible.

The student-paid fee structure is what allows students to keep their account if they move or switch teachers. No situation is permanent. Teachers change jobs, and people move. Change happens.

Student shouldn't lose their music lesson history when their situation changes. Having the students own their account prevents that. Students can connect their MusicTeacherNotes account to another teacher with ease, even if their new teacher doesn't currently use MusicTeacherNotes. If a student decides not to take music lessons, they simply deactivate it, which stops charges from occuring. They can reactivate it if/when they choose to continue taking music lessons again.

It doesn’t matter if you have five students or 100 hundred students. The parent/student-paid pricing structure makes MusicTeacherNotes entirely scalable for music teachers. Students maintain their own profiles with no extra effort on the part of the teacher.

We can provide MusicTeacherNotes to students at a remarkably low cost because each student is required to be on a paid plan. This arrangement allows us to charge each student as little as $2.49 per month. It's a very small add-on to the overall cost of taking music lessons, yet it adds so much to the music-lesson-experience, for everyone.

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We provide music teachers with MusicTeacherNotes.com business cards. These cards feature a place to include your "studio code" that is used to connect your students to your account.

MusicTeacherNotes Business Cards with Studio Codes

When a student joins using your studio code you can interact with them on MusicTeacherNotes website and utilize the features that will help you and your students with music lessons.

When parents or students join, they will be guided through the benefits and learn what to do very quickly. It is virtually automatic for music teachers. Simply write your studio code on your business cards and hand them to your students. It's that easy.

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As a music teacher, you can enter all students on your account, even those who have not paid. You will be able to see and manage their schedules on your end. When the student initially joins MusicTeacherNotes they will be given a free trial. The key benefits that music students and parents will enjoy will only be available to paid accounts and new accounts that haven't passed the free trial deadline. After the free trial, a student's account will revert to a basic, free account. As a teacher, you will still be able to enter their lesson details online, even if they have a basic, free account. But the student will have restricted privileges on their end if they are not upgraded to one of the paid plans.

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The most common problem for parents is getting their students to practice. We gamify the experience by letting kids earn badges and points for how well they practice and play for you. Parents see their report. If they do not record their practice then parents can see. You see it too. Nothing is perfect, and we don’t claim to be. However, this process greatly increases the likelihood that students will practice.

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MusicTeacherNotes is independent. In other words, it works seamlessly, even if the studio you work for uses another software system to manage the music studio. Because MusicTeacherNotes is a student-owned service, students don’t lose anything when transitioning to different schools or teachers. It’s their account.

Here’s an example of how that may work in practice: Assume you have a student named John who you teach guitar, at a studio called ABC Music. Assume you also have a student named Laura, who you teach piano to at her house on your own. Laura is not affiliated with ABC Music. You can use MusicTeacherNotes to manage both students. You can opt to let ABC Music see your ABC Music students, but not see those who you teach independently.

Additionally, let's assume that ABC Music suddenly goes out of business, and John still wants you to teach him the guitar. You merely change one setting in your account and John is linked the same way Laura is. You still have John’s history, as if nothing ever changed.

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MusicTeacherNotes strives to innovate new ways to help music teachers, students, and parents get far more out of music lessons than they would otherwise. To accomplish this, we settled on a student/parent-paid system, because it works best for multiple reasons.

Students or teachers don't remain in a situation forever. People move, businesses close down, and teachers change jobs. Things happen. Without a student/parent-paid setup, students and parents would lose their musical history if the studio shut down or stopped using the service, or if the family had to move. The way MusicTeacherNotes is set up prevents that from happening. Students can resume their service with a new music teacher by connecting to their MusicTeacherNotes account to the new teacher when they change. And the new teacher can join MusicTeacherNotes without being forced to pay.

The student/parent-paid system has other benefits, as well. But the most important reason is that it allows us to help more students learn music, faster and with more enjoyment.

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Imagine skills as a musician are ranked from 1 to 10 -- 1 is a beginner, and 10 is an expert. Perhaps a student's goal is to reach a 9 or 10 at some point in their life. Each music lesson gets them a little closer their goal, but it's going to take a significant amount of time and practice.

MusicTeacherNotes helps to amplify the improvement that students earn with each lesson. So, getting to a skill level of 9 or 10 will take a lot less time than it would otherwise. MusicLessonNotes saves students and parents an enormous amount of time money because it helps students achieve their goals faster; it takes few music lessons for students to reach their musical goals.

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Yes. However, the upgraded memberships offer far more benefits than the free plan. The cost of upgrading is very low-priced, which you can see here: MusicTeacherNotes Pricing

There is no getting around the fact that music lessons are a big investment. Throughout a music student's life, thousands of dollars are spent on lessons, books, and instruments. MusicTeacherNotes' mission is to empower students to acquire much more skill out of music lessons, so they reach their true potential much, much faster.

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Yes. When you register as a parent, you are asked to add family members. You can add your children at that time. You can create a username and password for them so they can log in.

Children's accounts look different than parental accounts, and they don't have access to all of the same features or pages.

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This is a challenging question to answer because MusicTeacherNotes has many innovations built into it, which means it isn't something that can be covered in an FAQ. For this reason, every new account gets the highest membership level as a lengthy free trial. We want everyone to fully experience all of the benefits MusicTeacherNotes offers students and parents.

MusicTeacherNotes focuses on solutions to the most common problems parents and students experience with music lessons. These problems include:

  • Many younger students are not motivated to practice
  • Students may not know exactly how to practice a song they are supposed to learn
  • Students waste time deciding how and what to practice

Addressing these problems is our mission. MusicTeacherNotes addresses those problems with innovative and engaging feature that help students learn faster with fewer headaches for you.

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MusicTeacherNotes helps music teachers manage their students and helps students learn music faster. By empowering parents and students to get much more out of private music lessons, learning music becomes a better experience for everyone.